Monday, January 23, 2012

We're Back!

I wanted to start blogging about our trip today, but I'm still trying to process all of the things we saw and experienced. 

We did not pass Court, as we'd hoped, but that turned out OK.  We did get a positive MOWCYA opinion, and Gladney's attorney was able to get the Judge the documents she'd requested.  When we got to Ethiopia, we had an email from our caseworker letting us know that the Judge had asked for a Notice to be published in the national newspaper, which is sent out to the rural areas too.  The Notice states that if anyone has any objections to "Lottie's" adoption, they must appear before the Judge on January 30.  We don't expect anyone will appear, so we hope to pass Court on that day.  If anyone should come forward after the 30th, the Judge would basically tell them that they've missed their opportunity.  It's really a good thing, so we're OK with the delay.

Since we haven't yet passed Court, I can't share all of the pictures (and video) of our girl.  But here are just a couple of Lottie and her daddy.  They love each other already :-)


  1. Oh! So glad you're back safely! Hoping to get a chance to see your beautiful girl when you pass court... hopefully in 7 days time!

  2. So sweet! I love seeing daddies and their baby girls. Anxiously awaiting Jan 30th...for both you and us!!! :)

  3. can't wait to hear more about your trip! Praying for you. I REALLY can't wait to hear you've passed court!! :)
